‘The Elephant Whisperers’ and the Disingenuity of Hindu American Foundation’s Attempt to Co-opt Adivasis

In a recent tweet, Suhag Shukla of the Hindu American Foundation (HAF) claimed that the portrayal of Bomman and Ellie in the documentary “The Elephant Whisperers” underscores Hinduism’s “inarguable indigeneity.” She takes a giant leap of faith from an Adivasi couple who happen to follow Hindu practices to declaring that their forebears must have also […]
U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta Dismisses Hindu American Foundation’s Defamation Lawsuit Against Five Defendants

While the defendants hailed the ruling, calling the lawsuit “a scare tactic” intended to silence them, the HAF leadership termed it “incredibly disappointing.” S. District Judge Amit Mehta on Dec. 20 dismissed a lawsuit filed by the Hindu American Foundation against Hindus for Human Rights co-founders Sunita Vishwanath and Raju Rajagopal, Indian American Muslim Council […]
Georgia, California, Seattle—Any criticism of caste in America is being fought as Hinduphobia

US needs SB 403 because Indians carry caste to America and Dalit discrimination at IITs, IIMs is proof. An excerpt from SB 403: SEC. 7: Section 12920 of the Government Code is amended to read: It is hereby declared as the public policy of this state that it is necessary to protect and safeguard the right and […]
What FBI data about anti-Hindu hate crimes in the US reveals about fears of ‘Hinduphobia’

Indian Americans must tamp down on cries of ‘Hinduphobia’ and speak more forcefully against the surge in Islamophobia and anti-Christian violence in India. In December, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released Hate Crime Statistics for 2021, an annual compilation of bias-motivated incidents in the United States. The numbers are telling, with most incidents being driven by bias […]
SACW announces the release of a report on the Hindu nationalist circuit in the United States 2001-2014

HINDU NATIONALISM IN THE UNITED STATES: A REPORT ON NONPROFIT GROUPS Published by sacw.net, this report compiles publicly available tax records, newspaper articles, and other materials on non-profit groups in the United States affiliated with the Sangh Parivar (family of Hindu nationalist groups) from 2001-2014, documenting a segment of the projects and priorities of U.S.-based […]